I'm a fitness & holistic health coach who helps women by taking back control over their bodies & their lives so that they can live pain free.
As your coach, I will guide you on the path to heal your physical body through mindset & pain reducing strategies so that you can live the life you want and be free from pain.
At the age of 21 I was a pedestrian in a car accident. I sustained multiple fractures throughout my body, burns, TBI & had bruised and bleeding lungs.
My dad got the call at 2am to get on a plane as fast as possible and to be prepared that he wouldn't make it in time. But through the grace of God I survived to tell my story and it is a passion of mine to help others dealing with chronic pain & inflammation.
I've spent years trying to figure out how to stay out of pain with out being dependent on medications and I want to share what I've learned through my own journey as well as what I have learned through holistic health courses I have taken.
I can't promise you it will be easy and I can't promise you a quick fix pill, but I can promise you it IS POSSIBLE & IT IS WORTH IT!!